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tangible property in Chinese

How to pronounce "tangible property""tangible property" in a sentence"tangible property" meaning

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 有形财产
  • 有形资产


  • The analysis of virtual property on virtual tangible property as research object
  • All tangible property which cannot easily be converted into cash and which is usually held for a long period , including real estate , equipment , etc
  • Tangible property is in fact the form of the right of this tangible thing , so the tangible property as an object is also the form of the right of the tangible thing as an substantial object , which is determined by the character of ownership , the thinking method to regard right as a tangible thing and the inertia of lingual expression
    我们认为,有体物作为担保物权客体实际上是有体物所有权作为担保物权客体的外在形式表现,并进一步论述如下原因:所有权的特性? ?代表了物之上的所有权;权利物化思维? ?物是所有权的形式化符号;语言表达的惯性? ?简化思维。

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What is the meaning of tangible property in Chinese and how to say tangible property in Chinese? tangible property Chinese meaning, tangible property的中文tangible property的中文tangible property的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.